Mµ Air-Drop
Air-drop date: 02/21/2018 (ACTIVE)
Once complete, you'll be able to create offers for Mµ-Pay
on any Stellar Decentralized Exchange. (We like Stellarport)
The first 7,770 users to complete the requirements will recieve 75 Mµ each. We will verify that requirements have been properly met.
Fill out the Air-Drop form Here after you complete the requirements.
To be able to recieve Mµ-Pay from the air-drop, you must have an activated Steller wallet address. A wallet has been activated after it has been sent
one (1) Stellar Lumen (XLM) This Lumen is held in researve and locks in you wallet address on the Network. After a wallet address has been activated on the
Stellar Network, next a trustline between the Mµ-Pay issuing wallet and your now active Stellar wallet address. An additional 0.5 Lumens are held in
reserve for the trustline between wallet.
- Download a Stellar Wallet of your choosing. You can find the official desktop wallet Here. Once installed create a
new empty account if needed. You will then be asked to save your wallet file. Remember where you save this file, it's your wallet backup.
- Next you will be asked to encrypt your wallet file with a password. After encrypting your wallet file you'll be brought to a screen showing your
public key and private key. Save these somewhere safe. Losing and forgetting your private key or password will lose you access to your wallet.
- Next click "Yes, I have saved my secret key" to proceed.
- Next, we must activate the wallet. As mentioned above, this takes one (1) Lumen. We recommend you send at least two (2) Lumen to your public key
found at the top of your wallet. Stellar.org recommends sending three (3) Lumens to be safe. If using a mobile wallet you can send via the qr code.
- After the wallet is active on the Stellar Network, a trustline must be established between the Mµ-Pay issuing wallet and your personal address.
- Click the trust button at the top of the wallet to get the trustline screen.
- Enter the Mµ-Pay assest code: MP
- Lastly, enter in the trust limit amount. Use a high number, we recommend at least a 6 figure number. Press the green create trust line button.
This will reserve the 0.5 Lumens to open the line. Once completed, your wallet will now be ready to recieve the Mµ-Pay air-drop.